JAN:4 5433 6402 9790
Lifestar独自のセンスでU.K lovers ,Jamaican oldiesを厳選し、優しくMixされ、再生すると同時に風景が浮かび上がり、優しい気持ちにさせてくれるような不思議なMix cd. 海辺でのんびり夕日を眺めながら聴いたり、ドライブ中や、散歩の時間にもピッタリなこの1枚。快適なリラックスできる時間にぜひオススメです!
Love(愛)and Respect(感謝)
1. Booker-T -Jamaica song (Epic)
2.Carlton&the shoes-Moods for love (Fasion)
3.Junioe English-In loving you (Aurning sounds)
4.Brent Dowe-Close to you (High note)
5.David Isaacs-Love come knocking (Dynamic)
6.Jacob Miller-Suzy wong (Mango)
7.Horace Andy-Rain from the sky (Clock tower)
8.Dennis Brown-Get to love in time (Rocky one)
9.Jimmy Cliff-Journey (Columbia)
10.Delroy Wilson-Won’t you come home (Bearaie)
11.Eddie Lovette-Shining star (K&K)
12.Delroy Wilson-If you don’t know me by now (Striker lee)
13.Beres Hammond-Stuck on you (J&W)
14.Owen Grey-Please don’t let me do (Soul suviver)
15.Jimmy Lindsay-Easy like sunday morning (Gem)
16.Dobby Dobson&Ranking Joe-Why do falls in love (Circle)
17.Lehbanchulen-Dyer maker (Mango)
18.John Holt-If I were carpenter (Live&Love)
19.Me&You-La la means I love you (Castro brown)
20.Alton Ellies-Wise bird (Narrows)
21.Flaurrette Edward-Super women (Fashion)
22.Louisa Mark-6,six street (Bushars)
23.Junior Tucker-Some guys have all the luck (Mango)
24.Blood sister-My guy (Sound city)
25.The paragons-Wear you to the ball (island)
26.The paragons-Tide is high (island)
27.Delroy Wilson-It’s a shame (Fashion)
28.Dee Sharp-Rising to the top (Fashion)
29.Privete collection-Dreamer (Inner city)
30.Delroy Wilson-Dancing mood (Tedt)
31.Nerious Joseph-Rock steady time (Fashion)
32.Johnnie Clarke-Rocking (Fashion)
33.Eargasm-This is lovers rock (Venture)
34.Janet Key-Loving you (Venture)
35.Seventh Extension-Reasons (Arawak)
36.Delroy Wilson-Place in the sun (Culture press)
37.Ben Harper &Toots and the Maytals-Love gonna walk out on me