Akane プロフィール
数々のコンピレーション参加や現場での活動を重ねてきた実力派。 硬軟をあわせもつ歌声と表現でオリジナルなシンガースタイルを確立し、それまでの足跡を含めた1stオリジナルアルバム「Expression」をリリース、翌年には多彩なリディムにのって、様々な角度からダンスホールの魅力をストレートに提示した2ndアルバム「STRAIGHTER」をリリース。全国ツアーや自身初となるワンマンライブも成功させた。その活動は日本だけに留まらずジャマイカのIrie FMやZip FMを始め、海外のラジオ等でもOn Airされ、話題となった”Hold me feat. BUSY SIGNAL”を発表。その勢いのまま3rdアルバム「D」をリリース。2012年からは所属していたBUSH HUNTER MUSICを離れ、天才DEEJAY=RUDEBWOY FACE率いるMAGNUM RECORDSに移籍し、遂に2013年本格始動!!
Akane is one of a few female Reggae dancehall singers based in Japan. She has been performing throughout Japan over 10 years with her original style of the combination of singer and deejay style. Released 1st major debut solo album called “Expression” and released 2nd album called “Straighter” with concept of dancehall from different prospectives in following year. Touring all over the Japan and her first solo live was a big success. Not only in Japan, but her works reached in Jamaica and released songs called “Hold me” featuring Busy Signal has been playing on the radio in Jamaica such as, Irie FM, Zip FM and etc. Her 3rd album called “D” also made the strong impression in overseas from the songs she did with Jamaican producers. In 2012, she has moved the label called Magnum Records which is the Japanese Genius Deejay Rudebwoy Face’s label for another challenge and Akane is ready for 2013.